For me, Thanksgiving is a time for rest, reflection and gratitude.
>> We rest, because as leaders we know we can’t pour from an empty cup.
>> We reflect, because as leaders we are continually learning and growing.
>> We practice gratitude, because as leaders we cannot do this work alone and it’s important to celebrate the successes, big and small.
One of the best parts of my work is witnessing the seeds of growth and connection that are planted in our programs and watching the amazing things that FOCUS-trained leaders go on to do in our region. So, this Thanksgiving, I’d like to take a moment to say:
Thank you to our program participants and alumni for making FOCUS part of your leadership journey – and taking that leadership into our community.
Thank you to our members and donors, whose ongoing support ensures that we continue to reach the next generation of leaders.
Thank you to our corporate and foundation supporters for demonstrating their commitment to civic leadership in our region.
Thank you to our FOCUS board and volunteers for continuing to lead us forward as we grow and evolve.
I hope that you and yours are also able to find moments of rest, reflection and gratitude this holiday season.
With gratitude,
Yemi Akande-Bartsch, Ph.D.
President & CEO
FOCUS St. Louis