Productive Conflict in the Workplace

Becky Rasmussen

Productive Conflict in the Workplace

Date(s) - June 19, 2020
11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Conflict management is essential in the workplace … and it all starts with how you manage your thoughts.

The impact of an individual’s thoughts on their behaviors is a concept that has been well-researched and established in the field of psychology. Empirical research has shown that one of the most effective ways to avoid destructive behaviors is to address the automatic thoughts that individuals possess when faced with an emotional or stressful situation.

In this webinar, individuals will learn about the destructive responses to conflict that they see in others as well as themselves. By looking at these responses, individuals gain insight about the impact of their behavior on others and the subsequent importance of changing their behaviors. Additionally, individuals will learn about the automatic thoughts they possess that can lead to these harmful reactions to conflict and how their own unique individual characteristics inform these thoughts.


FREE and open to all; registration required.

About the Presenter

Aaron Van Groningen is a Senior Organizational Development & Training Consultant for Hicks-Carter-Hicks, LLC. With over 10 years of experience in research psychology, Aaron seeks to utilize a research-based approach to improve individual and organizational functioning. He has worked with clients in a variety of industries to provide services covering a wide array of topics such as leadership, change management, organizational learning, training and development, productive conflict, diversity and inclusion, and more. By taking a scientific approach and applying it real world situations, Aaron seeks to provide clients with the knowledge, skills, and abilities they need to achieve their mission and vision.

Aaron holds an M.S. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from Saint Louis University where is currently a doctoral candidate in Industrial-Organization Psychology. He is also a member of Saint Louis University’s Organizational Health Initiative laboratory where his research interests cover work-life interface, well-being, and individual differences.