Webinar: The Art of Engagement – Storytelling for Leaders

Becky Rasmussen

Webinar: The Art of Engagement – Storytelling for Leaders

Date(s) - April 24, 2020
11:00 am - 12:00 pm


When was the last time a presentation made you sit up and take notice? Did you also notice the use of storytelling?

Storytelling is the most effective way to get a message across to any audience, even in a virtual environment. It allows you to connect emotionally with your audience, makes persuading them more manageable, and is more likely to garner the results you want.

Did you know that people are 20 times more likely to remember a fact relayed in a story? This interactive webinar will introduce you to the major components needed for a complete story, guidelines for emotional connection, and where/when it is best to tell a story. You will also learn how to tie your stories to the material you are presenting, and a foolproof rehearsal process to ensure your performance is stellar.

About the Presenter

Kerri Garbis is the President and founder of Ovation. She has successfully run her company virtually since day one, building and maintaining relationships in a virtual environment for well over a decade. Kerri is a Professional Speech Writer certified by the Professional Speechwriters Association, a Business Etiquette Expert, certified by The Emily Post Institute, and an Emotional Intelligence Expert, certified by The Hay Group. A professional actress since childhood, her company offers transformative Professional Presence and Speaker Development training helping business professionals all over the world Get Prepared, Get Confident, and Get Ovation!


FREE and open to all; registration required.

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